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 2015中国光伏测试论坛 - 背板技术测试创新专题研讨会评论员专稿

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2014中国光伏测试论坛 - 逆变器技术测试专题研讨会

2014中国光伏测试论坛 - 封装材料技术测试研讨会

 2014中国光伏测试论坛 - 背板技术测试专题研讨会



1.        影响光伏电站运行风险的逆变器质量及系统因素分析

2.        逆变器、控制系统的认证、测试、质量控制及最新标准介绍

3.        孰优孰劣?不同光伏系统投资对逆变器技术路线的选择

4.        电站智能运维中的数据采集、分析和应用

5.        如何实现逆变器及控制系统的智能化及其研究技术进展

6.       逆变器的材料、部件及软件的质量控制及技术创新

7.        光伏系统的测试软件和电源设计

8.        逆变器设计中的高效、节能和创新


        :   上海市太阳能学会       WWW.SHSES.ORG

        :   中国光伏测试网           WWW.TESTPV.COM   HPPT://LT.TESTPV.COM

技术支持:   莱茵技术(上海)有限公司

认证机构  电站  金融投资  EPC  系统供应商

指导单位:  浙江省太阳能行业协会         江苏省可再生能源协会

          2015年6月25-26日             地点:上海或苏州地区       规模:100-150 人



1.  逆变器及智能控制系统单位的生产、技术、研发、质量、市场人员

2.  光伏关键部件、光伏电站EPC、电站运维、智能控制、电站投融资、的研究开发、市场、质量及采购等

3.  认证、研究机构的技术、研发、质量、测试、市场相关人员

4.  逆变器及智能系统用电源及测试仪器单位的研发、技术人员

5.  逆变器及智能系统用原材料及相应配套部件企业的生产、技术、研发、质量、市场人员


1.       逆变器质量对光伏电站发电的影响

2.       逆变器最新技术应用、材料及技术开发

3.       不同光伏系统对逆变器技术路线的选择

4.       智能控制系统及逆变器的验收、认证、评估相关(方法、分析等)

5.       光伏逆变器、智能控制系统的测试设备、仪器、测试技术介绍

6.       光伏逆变器、控制系统最新规范、国际国内标准、条件介绍

7.       电站运维中的数据智能采集、分析和应用工具

8.       智能运维系统的整合建议





测试认证机构:鉴衡认证 、CQC、Intertek、TUV、CPVT等








1. 欢迎相关企业、机构提供精彩演讲报告,请联系tech@testpv.com

2. 报告内容应结合当天主题,紧扣最新光伏电站对逆变器、控制系统及智能化运维的要求,讨论智能化解决方案的的开发、技术、质量控制和测试方法、标准、结果分析;

3. 每个报告演讲时间30分钟,提问5分钟;

4. 报告PPT内容不能涉及演讲嘉宾所在企业、产品介绍等广告信息,仅限企业LOGO;

5. 所有报告题目及100字摘要需在5月10日前提交主办方;

6. 所有报告须在6月10日截止期前提交主办方统一审核,审核通过后通知报告演讲时间

7. 会议资料将印刷400份发送到业内单位。



      1.       媒体推广:优秀报告将刊登在 www.testpv.com

2.       与其它光伏主流媒体以行业专业网站、研究所、认证机构紧密合作,面向相关应用行业,配合光伏电站质量专题在会前、会中、会后进行全面报道。

3.       定向发送邀请函,锁定行业内逆变器厂、系统供应商、测试认证方、电站投融资、电站运营商,电站EPC、电站关键部件供应商,通过中国光伏测试论坛 http://lt.testpv.com 公布研讨会资料,通过邮件向行业人员发送会议议程及邀请函及研讨会进展。

4.       主题报告一经采纳,Word版本文件将有机会发布在中国光伏测试网和《太阳能光伏》杂志




 普通参会人员:                  2000元/人

        上海市太阳能学会会员:     1200元/人(无其他优惠,需在6月1日前汇款才可享受此优惠)


上海朔日太低碳科技有限公司  31011305122424X(纳税人识别号)

建行上海白莲泾支行  3100 1620 2150 5000 3491

联系人:18017726437  song.jie@testpv.com 或: 18018506437  Sales@testpv.com

2015 China PV Test Forum

--- PV Inverter & Smart-Tech & Test Symposium


China PV is changing from oversea sourcing & export to domestic application. The 17.8GW budget in 2015 brings unlimited imagination to local PV development. With the new PV plant operation standard coming and ongoing cost pressure, the whole industry focuses more seriously on PV plant set up, operation quality and risk, PV product feasibility and durability.

Not only the big picture of PV industry, but the investment of each PV plant needs data to monitor the power output and quality, while the data collection relies deeply on smart product. Considering the increasing cost pressure, PV incidents, Grid integration difficulty, it’s urgent to have real-time data and scientific analysis to control the the power generation, efficiency, PV product on-line rate, operation cost and product life span. The whole industry realizes that the concept “no-smart, no investment” would be a new way to further reduce cost and explore new market.

PV inverter and control system is the direct tool and prior option to collect power generation quantity and quality data. The statistics shows that inverter convertion efficiency and durability have been the main cost factors for PV plant as the inverter data collection and analysis have direct influence on the operation quality, cost and risk mitigation.


Main topics

As the extending session of China SoG Silicon and PV power conference, the seminar will focus on the将重following topics:

l  Inverter quality and system analysis on PV plant operation risk

l  Certification, testing, quality and update standard on Inverter and control system

l  Which is best? Choose the most proper inverter technology for your PV system

l  Data collection, analysis and application in PV plant smart management

l  Design, make your smart inverter and control system

l  Raw material, parts, software quality and technical innovation for your inverter

l  Testing software control and power source design for PV system

l  High efficiency, energy saving and innovative inverter design


Target attendees

The attendees are targeted to be:

1.      Financial, insurance, research, marketer, purchaser, operation owner, EPC etc who cares the PV plant construction, system installation and investment

2.      Quality concerned personnel from technical, R&D, QA, Lab, Production, Marketing, Purchasing department of inverter and control system supplier and  components supplier,

3.      PV investor, installer, PV plant operation, certification and research institute.

Seminar Host

Sponsor      Shanghai Solar Energy Society          上海市太阳能学会

Host             WWW.TESTPV.COM                         中国光伏测试网

Technical Support      TUV Rheinland (Shanghai)

Ad-Hoc                            Zhejiang Solar industry Associate

       Jiangsu Renewable Energy Associate

Date             June 25th – 26th , 2015               Location:      Suzhou Or Shanghai

Scale            100 - 150 people


Seminar topics

Day 1: PV Inverter and Smart system Technical supervisor Round-table discussion

Day 2: China PV test forum – PV Inverter and Smart Tech & Test Symposium

Target on the technical and quality concerned professional, We will introduce the test standard, method, instrument and innovative technologies to understand all key factors of PV smart inverter and control system,  you will learn to use it in the PV plant installation, inspection, certification, operation monitoring and quality control.

Presentation requirement

1.       The content should focus on the update PV inverter and control system technology, manufacturing, quality control, test method, standard and analysis

2.       Each presentation is limited in 30 min with 5 min Q&A

3.       No product catalog, advertisement, company introduction. Only company LOGO can be shown on each page.

4.       Deadline for topics and abstract: May 10th.

5.       Deadline for PPT final version June 10st for reference hand-out printing.



1.      Enrollment: RMB 2000 each person. Free for speakers.

2. PV Inverter & Smart system Technical supervisor Round-table discussion: RMB 1000 per person

3.  Contact: song.jie@testpv.com  18017726437

上一条:上海光伏产业发展方向研讨会 下一条:2015上海国际太阳能空调暨中温集热与应用研讨会